"Like the Lonely Mountain Erebor in J. R. R. Tolkien's mythology,
Ahuna Mons on Ceres was once occupied by a dragon, but one that
'breathed' ice, not fire."
- Bill Steigerwald, Goddard Space Flight Center
- Bill Steigerwald, Goddard Space Flight Center
The Lonely Mountain is unique on Ceres and, matter of fact, in the
entire solar system. Unfortunately, it had not been treated yet in any
book, that's why we have published one ourselves. Three members of the
Astronomical Society Urania Wiesbaden have joined to compile what we know about this minor world - the latest article referenced was published five days before this book!
In our latest campaign, the English Kindle edition will be available
for free from Friday, June 22, to Sunday, June 24. The large-format
full-colour printed edition is available from Amazon, Createspace and
related services.
The live video recording of our latest public lecture on Ceres (in German) is available here: