
What is this about

This blog collects supplemental data on lesser worlds of the solar system (like Pluto and Titan) that have not (yet) been included in our books. You may contribute to our blog with brief articles that we will on your request also translate for our monolingual audience. The only precondition: Your content must in some way relate to dwarf planets or large moons of the solar system.

Send your text to: i n f o (youknowwhichsign) c o d e x - r e g i u s . e u

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Montag, 20. Februar 2017

Printed edition temporarily not available due to a fault in Createspace's upload service

Regrettably, the English print edition of our non-fiction book "Titan - Pluto's big brother" is temporarily out of stock due to software problems at the provider's. I tried to upload an error correction yesterday, and Createspace's algorithms rejected it, claiming wrong page size, though the pages were exactly as large as before. Trying to restore the previous version failed with the same stupid error message though it has been flawlessly available till yesterday. Createspace is informed and investigating the problem. I will drop a note when the printed version is in stock again.

The ebook edition is not affected!

Postscriptum 2017-02-23: Createspace has now identified the problem, and we have been able to jointly remedy it. The printed version is available for ordering again.

Freitag, 17. Februar 2017

Codex Regius books: Auf der Suche nach Ceres

Codex Regius books: Auf der Suche nach Ceres: Kennen Sie die »Himmelspolizey«? So nannte sich scherzhaft eine Gruppe von ursprünglich sechs Astronomen, die in den letzten Tagen des 18. Jahrhunderts zu den ersten Planetenjägern wurden.